Issue #2

Issue 2 – February 28, 2025

Welcome to Issue 2 of Glimmers Weekly.

A “glimmer” is a faint, unsteady light –a small spark– revealing a brief moment of comfort, hope, joy, or peace.

These tiny moments of magic are breadcrumbs left by the Universe and they are the stories we’ll be sharing and celebrating together every Friday. Right now, perhaps more than ever, we could all use a way to let a little more light in our lives.

“Stories are small prayers” – Brian Doyle

On Being Swept Away

By Robyn Weaver

Every time I went whitewater rafting, you would remind me to remember the power of the river. “It could take you under in half a second and take you so far downriver, no one will ever find you. Pay your respects to the river gods before you put in. I mean it.” And I always did, because I know you were scared that I would be swept away while you waited for me on the riverbank.

We both loved that river behind our apartment, but being in the water was my thing. Looking at the river was yours. Remember during quarantine when there was nothing to do but walk down the hill and look at the water and just exist together? 

After you died, I started walking the path along that river. Some days, I stared at the rushing water wondering what it would feel like if it swept me away. Other days, I refused to look at the water; I only listened, trying to hear your voice in the churning rush of urban whitewater rapids, trying to hear an echo of the life we had.

On one of those “other” days, I was so angry—do you remember that? I was searching for your voice in the river but all I could hear was the white rush of waves against rocks hidden beneath the surface. FUCK YOU FOR LEAVING ME HERE! I screamed as loud as I could. And then I just kept screaming. Finally, my throat raw and my emotions spent, I turned to walk back up the hill to our apartment—no, my apartment now.

That was when I saw the butterflies, so many of them, flitting about everywhere, almost all of them yellow. Not pale yellow, but bright yellow like your Jeep. Except for that one time we went to the Butterfly Center at Calloway Gardens, I had never seen so many butterflies in one place. I reached out my hand slowly, trying not to scare them. I held my arm straight out in front of me until finally one of them landed on me, its legs softly tickling my arm in the exact place I got that yellow butterfly tattoo a few weeks later.

I was trying to hear your voice in the river, but I found it on the riverbank where you were waiting for me, hoping I would not be swept away.

About the Author: Robyn Weaver is a writer and editor. Their work focuses mainly on memoirs and essays, with a little sprinkling of poetry, and is centered around grief and survival. Robyn’s writing has appeared in The Auburn Circle34thParallel Magazine, and Multiplicity Magazine’s Quick Work. They have also self published two journals, Life is Chaos: Get it together and Pole the House Down: A Journal for Your Pole Journey. Both journals are available on their Amazon author page. In addition to writing, Robyn works with self-publishing authors, offering editing and proofreading services. They are currently an MFA student at Bay Path University and earned a BA in English from Columbus State University, a Master of Technical and Professional Communication from Auburn University, and an MS in Strategic Marketing Communication from Purdue University. They grew up in Alabama and currently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. You can find Robyn at

Thanks for reading.

See you again next week,

Next Steps:

  1. If you have a piece that you’d like to have considered for publication in Glimmers Weekly, please email with “Glimmers Submission” in the subject line and include a google doc link in the body of the email (no attachments please).
  2. I offer 1:1 tarot based coaching for intuitive development and spiritual guidance. I open a handful of sessions each month for new clients. You can book a session here.

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